
The Sinological Society of Japan

Welcome Message

OKI, Yasushi
Chairman of Board of Directors (2021–22)
Sinological Society of Japan

The Sinological Society of Japan was established in 1949, and in 2018 it celebrated its 70th anniversary. A leading Japanese academic society devoted to Chinese studies, it currently has about 1,600 members, many of whom are faculty members or graduate students at universities throughout Japan specializing in Chinese philosophy, literature, and linguistics from the ancient period to modern times and traditional Chinese learning in Japan. For the succession and development of sinology of Japan, we would like to plan some new activities.

The Society’s activities include a conference held annually in October, and in addition to papers presented by members in three sections on Philosophy, Literature and Linguistics, and Chinese Learning in Japan, in recent years the conference has also included a next-generation symposium on a particular topic and a lecture meeting organized by the host institution. The Bulletin of the Sinological Society of Japan is also published in conjunction with the annual conference, and it carries peer-reviewed articles by members as well as reviews of academic trends in the previous year in the fields of philosophy, literature, and linguistics. In addition, a newsletter is brought out twice a year in order to provide members with the latest information related to the field of Chinese studies.

The articles and annual reviews of academic trends in the Bulletin of the Sinological Society of Japan, the Society’s newsletter, and the proceedings of the next-generation symposiums can also be accessed on the Society’s website.

Chinese studies in Japan has a long history and tradition, and its achievements are held in high regard around the world. In recent years interest in China has been growing in society at large, and the Sinological Society of Japan provides researchers conducting research from an academic viewpoint with a venue for exchanging views and disseminates their findings widely around the world. We welcome the participation and support of everyone with an interest in Chinese studies.

April 2021

Note: Prospective members may apply for membership by downloading and filling in an application form and sending it by post. For details, go to https://www.nicchugakkai.sakura.ne.jp/wp.